The SteelNet TM weapons safe SSN-E-073N-T-350-1252-260 is designed for storing rifled or smooth-bore weapons, cartridges, ammunition and other attributes related to weapons.
It has convenient dimensions and a compact storage format.
The basis of the safe lock is a 2-cross-bars locking system.
The safe can be mounted to the wall (2 holes) or to the floor (2 holes).
Anchor bolts are not included in the delivery set. The doors open 100°.
For detailed specifications and description of use, see the PASSPORT of the product at the link.
*The item is made exclusively for the Epicenter shopping center.
26.7 kg
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Steelnet PC is an Eastern European manufacturer of metal products and optical elements. One of the leaders of the Ukrainian market for the production of steel structures of any complexity for the telecommunications, industrial and business sectors.