FSG filters for fine gas purification

To ensure high-quality fine purification of natural gas and reliable protection of equipment of gas distribution stations (GDS), underground gas storage facilities (UGS), compressor stations (CS), gas distribution points (GDP and GDB), ACSGF, AGRS other facilities of gas transportation and gas distribution systems from premature wear and errors in operation, technical specialists of Robikon NPF LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine, with the assistance of Kyivtransgas Gas Transmittal Pipelines Administration and Ukrtransgas PJSC developed, tested and introduced into serial production a domestic filter – gas separator (FSG).

FSG gas separator filters are designed and produced in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions TU U 29.1-32825921.001-2004 and DNAOP of Ukraine 0.00-1.07-94 “Rules of construction and safe operation of pressure vessels”.

In the period 2003-2006 FSG gas separator filters for fine gas purification have undergone successful pilot and industrial operation at the facilities of Ukrtransgas PJSC, and are permitted and recommended for use and operation in Ukraine.

FSG gas separator filters are certified in the UkrSEPRO and GOST-R systems, are produced serially and according to individual projects and orders. In the period 2003-2013 more than 960 objects of gas transportation and gas distribution systems in Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova and other CIS countries have been equipped with FSG filter, where more than 1570 filters of various models have been installed and successfully operate.

FSG gas separator filters are designed and produced in 150 different basic models with nominal passage from DN-10 to DN-500 and are designed for maximum working medium pressure up to 0.6 MPa, 1.6 MPa, 6.3 MPa, 8.0 MPa, 10.0 MPa, 16.0 MPa, are produced in series and differ in housing design, location, nominal passage of inlet – outlet pipes, throughput, availability of additional options and estimated housing pressure.

FSG gas separator filters are easy to maintain, reliable in operation and provide high-quality purification of natural gas in accordance with the requirements and standards in force in Ukraine and the CIS countries.

FSG gas separator filters are designed for:

1. cleaning non-aggressive gases, natural gas, gas-air mixtures and air, solid mechanical impurities, aerosol and droplet moisture, paraffin and oily compounds, as well as other contaminants by mechanical means;

2. protection against premature wear of technological equipment:

– gas distribution stations (GDS);

– underground gas storage facilities (UGS);

– compressor stations (CS);

– gas distribution points (GDP, GDB and GDU);


– gas reduction units;

– fuel gas purification of CS gas turbines;

– block AGRS (purification of liquefied gases);

– gas meters of all types;

– gas pressure regulators of all types;

– sensors and devices of automation, control and management systems;

– devices and equipment operating in pulse mode;

– other technological equipment of GDS, UGS, CS, GDP, ACSGF and other facilities.

All the models of FSG filters are protected by patents of Ukraine, are produced and sold under the trademark, which is registered and owned by Robikon NPF LLC.

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